How to share your child’s autism diagnosis with family and friends

How can I share my autism diagnosis with my child? featured image

A guide for parents/carers:

It can be hard to tell family and friends about your child’s autism diagnosis. It’s helpful to learn more about autism first, so you can answer any questions and explain things clearly.
Here are some reasons why sharing this news might feel difficult and some tips to help you start the conversation.

Why it might be hard to share

  • Some people may have old-fashioned ideas about autism that aren’t true.
  • They might think autism is caused by things like vaccines or bad parenting – but these ideas are wrong.
  • Some people may not believe your child is autistic if they don’t fit what they think autism looks like.

Tips for talking about autism

  • Explain that autism is different for everyone. Autism is a spectrum, which means every autistic person is unique.
  • You can share examples of things your child does that led to the diagnosis. For example:
    • They might have strong interests that make it hard to plan family activities.
    • They may have sensory likes or dislikes, such as certain sounds, lights, or textures.
    • They might prefer routines and get upset if these change.
  • Autism is not something that can be “cured” or “fixed,” and your child won’t “grow out of it.” Autism is a lifelong condition. How your child’s autism shows may change over time, depending on things like age or the support they get.
  • Talk about the positives! Your child’s diagnosis helps them understand themselves better and get the right support. Their unique strengths and needs make them who they are.


It’s important to have a support system for both you and your child. Being open and honest with the people close to you will help build that support.

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